Micheline Frantz
South Africa co-Director
Communication is at the core of Micheline's passion and she brings her wisdom to Pint of Science in helping scientists get their word out there.
Blessing Nkadimeng
Blessing describes himself as "all peace and positivity" stating that his curiosity has been his drive which is why he is interested in Science. He joined the team this year to broaden his knowledge in all fields of science, and not just his majors.
Chantal Louw
South Africa co-Director
After working on the first Pint of Science South Africa in 2016, the bug bit and she asked to head up 2018 onwards!
Micaela Lurie
Micaela is a Masters student in Medical Virology. Her field of research focuses on Chlamydia which has resulted in a few interesting dinner conversations. She is a huge Harry Potter fan and is always happy when she has a cup of coffee in hand.
BiancaCherkaev Superheroine
Bianca is a medical biochemist by training, but is currently interested in using data to answer questions. She loves hearing about the hip hop and happening science in South Africa and beyond.
Clare Garrad Superheroine
Clare is a bioinformaticist by day, dancer and scicommer by night. She loves being a part of spreading the word about the science that's going on within South Africa.
Storm Morrisby
Innovation and solutions - an adaptable enigma with a love for science and technology. I pride myself in being a serial foodie / fashion lover / surfer / climber / sci-fi movie lover / have a nomadic obsession with the great outdoors!
Tyrel Flugel
Tyrel is a geographer mapping the world. His research is focused on mega- and fluvial geomorphology, human-environment interactions, military geography and the on-going developments in remote sensing and geospatial information systems to study the Earth's surface