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Our Planet
Cause Effect
2A Park Rd, Gardens, Cape Town, 8001, South Africa
Tuesday 21st MAY 2016

Plant-produced vaccines and other biologics

Information about the disruptive technology that is tobacco plant-produced biologics (candidate vaccines, diagnostic reagents, and other biopharmaceuticals) with data on candidate vaccines against HPV, AHSV, and chikungunya virus.

Jason Naude

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There and back again: A Homo naledi tale

Kerryn Warren is one of the new recruits in the Rising Star excavations at the Cradle of Humankind. Warren will discuss the adventure and science behind these strange hominin finds.

Kerryn Warren

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Understanding Malting Barley Production in South Africa

Providing an understanding of how and where malting barley is produced in South Africa and how important the process is from field to sip.


Manfred Venter

WhatsApp Image 2019-05-14 at


Sonny Patel

Flash flood forward: preparing resilient communities against eco-anxiety and uncertainty


With the effects of climate change and demographic movements into large cities, disasters are occurring more frequently and in many cases with higher intensity than in previous years.


When disasters strike, governments and aid organizations are not always in a position to help communities immediately. However, what can individuals and communities do against the growing uncertainty and increase of eco-anxiety?


Last month heavy rains affected over 800,000 people across southeast Africa, ranging in effects from displacement to death. What could have communities done before the rains started to prevent such a large impact?


In this presentation, Sonny Patel (US National Institutes of Health Fogarty Global Health Scholar and Fellow at Harvard University) will explore some of the elements underlying community resilience as it applies to severe flooding as well as where current application of it could aid worldwide disaster efforts.

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